Add Page of Collections: Shopify Sections Tutorial Brooklyn Theme

Add Page of Collections: Shopify Sections Tutorial Brooklyn Theme

NEW Tutorial 2022! SHOPIFY's NEW OS Store 2.0 allows you to create custom pages of content without having to code( click here to see the new method for custom pages of collections-NO CODING REQUIRED on Shopify's  Free DAWN theme)

Create A Page Of Collections in Shopify for the Brooklyn Theme

Adding a custom page template to your Shopify theme will allow you to create a custom page with only collections you specify. For instance, you can make a page called Jewelry and have only the Bracelet Collection, Necklace Collection, and Earrings Collections, then you could create another page called Designer Jewelry and list only the Designer Bracelet Collection, Designer Necklace Collection, and Designer Earrings Collections.

Page of Collections Shopify Brooklyn Theme

Custom Page Template

 You will Create a Custom Page template for each Custom Collections Page of Collections you need. For example: You could have a template for page.bracelet-collections.liquid and a template for You would then create a section for each changing the Schema name which is shown in green text within the code.

As always I recommend you make a backup of your Shopify Theme before beginning.

First You will Want to Create a New Page Template in Edit Code Area of Your Theme. Use the name shown in orange or create your own.

Add New Page Template Shopify

To create a template in theme code editor under Templates choose add a new template. Select page from the dropdown, then enter the name of your template. Copy just the portion in orange below for the name.


Copy the 1 line of code in blue for page template.

{% section 'list-collections-template-1' %}

Find this code in the template: {{ page.content }} and place the cursor after the last bracket, then hit enter to create a new blank line below the code.

Paste the copied code in the line below the {{ page.content }}. 

Copy code in blue from <!-- /templates/page.liquid --> to the last </div> below. Note the section name in Green. each new page template will need the new unique section name.

 <!-- /templates/page.liquid -->
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item large--five-sixths push--large--one-twelfth">

<header class="section-header text-center">
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
<hr class="hr--small">

<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item large--four-fifths push--large--one-tenth">
<div class="rte rte--nomargin rte--indented-images">
{{ page.content }}
{% section 'list-collections-template-1' %}


Custom Section

Note: You Need a unique Schema(see green text below) name for each Section you create.  For example necklace-collections.liquid So you will need to create a new page and a new section for this custom collection and edit the new schema name in the new section.

Sample do not copy:

{% schema %}
"name": "necklace-collections",
"settings": [

To create a Section in theme code editor under Sections choose add a new Section. Select a name and save. Copy just the portion in orange below for the name and choose save.

Add a New Section Shopify


 Delete the prepopulated code and replace with the code below:

Copy code in blue from {% commment%} to {%endschema%} below. The Code in green containing schema name can be changed when adding new sections.

New Code

{% comment %}

This page represents the /collections and /products pages.
It is an optional, but highly recommended, template for your theme.

More info:

Loop through each collection, except 'frontpage'.
{% endcomment %}

{%- assign collection_count = 0 -%}
{%- assign isEmpty = true -%}

{% comment %}
Count how many collections we have to show
{% endcomment %}
{% if section.settings.display_type == 'all' %}
{% case section.settings.sort %}
{% when 'products_high' or 'products_low' %}
{%- assign list_collections = collections | sort: 'all_products_count' -%}
{% when 'date' or 'date_reversed' %}
{%- assign list_collections = collections | sort: 'published_at' -%}
{% else %}
{%- assign list_collections = collections -%}
{% endcase %}
{% for collection in list_collections %}
{% unless collection.handle == 'frontpage' %}
{%- assign collection_count = collection_count | plus: 1 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{%- assign collection_count = section.blocks.size -%}
{% endif %}

{% if collection_count > 0 %}
{%- assign isEmpty = false -%}
{% endif %}

{%- assign collection_index = 0 -%}
{%- assign divisible_by_three = collection_count | modulo: 3 -%}
{%- assign divisible_by_two = collection_count | modulo: 2 -%}

<div class="grid collection-grid">
{% if section.settings.display_type == 'all' %}
{% if section.settings.sort == 'products_low' or section.settings.sort == 'date' or section.settings.sort == 'alphabetical' %}
{% if isEmpty %}
{% comment %}
Add default collections to help with onboarding
{% endcomment %}
{% include 'onboarding-featured-collections' %}
{% else %}
{% for collection in list_collections %}
{%- assign collection_handle = collection.handle -%}

{% if collection_handle == 'frontpage' %}
{% continue %}
{% else %}
{%- assign collection_index = collection_index | plus: 1 -%}
{% endif %}
{% include 'collection-grid-collage' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if isEmpty %}
{% comment %}
Add default collections to help with onboarding
{% endcomment %}
{% include 'onboarding-featured-collections' %}
{% else %}
{% for collection in list_collections reversed %}
{%- assign collection_handle = collection.handle -%}

{% if collection_handle == 'frontpage' %}
{% continue %}
{% else %}
{%- assign collection_index = collection_index | plus: 1 -%}
{% endif %}
{% include 'collection-grid-collage' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% for block in section.blocks %}
{%- assign collection = collections[block.settings.collection] -%}
{%- assign collection_handle = collection.handle -%}
{%- assign collection_index = forloop.index -%}
{% include 'collection-grid-collage' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% schema %}
"name": "Collections list page 1",
"settings": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "All of your collections are listed by default. To customize your list, choose 'Selected' and add collections."
"type": "radio",
"id": "display_type",
"label": "Select collections to show",
"default": "all",
"options": [
"value": "all",
"label": "All"
"value": "selected",
"label": "Selected"
"type": "select",
"id": "sort",
"label": "Sort collections by:",
"info": "Sorting only applies when 'All' is selected",
"default": "alphabetical",
"options": [
"value": "products_high",
"label": "Product count, high to low"
"value": "products_low",
"label": "Product count, low to high"
"value": "alphabetical",
"label": "Alphabetically, A-Z"
"value": "alphabetical_reversed",
"label": "Alphabetically, Z-A"
"value": "date",
"label": "Date, old to new"
"value": "date_reversed",
"label": "Date, new to old"
"blocks": [
"type": "collection",
"name": "Collection",
"settings": [
"label": "Collection",
"id": "collection",
"type": "collection"
{% endschema %}

Now Create a Page and Use Your New Custom Collection Page Template

Go to pages in the Shopify Admin: Choose Add a Page. Name Your Page with a Title. For expample if your page is a page of Jewelry Collections, you could name your page "Jewelry". Once named, you can choose the template dropdown and choose the custom-collection-1 template.

Create a page Shopify and Choose a Custom template

Create Navigation Menu to Your Page of Collections

You will need a way to Navigate to your page of Collections in Shopify. Here are the steps to create navigation menus in Shopify.

Navigation Menus Shopify Brooklyn Theme Page of Collections

First Go to Navigation in the Admin and Click the Main Menu in Blue to expand the menu.

main menu Shopify

Click Add menu item if you do not already have a Menu where you want to connect the page. 

Navigation Menu Shopify

Otherwise, Click edit on the menu you want to Connect. Add the Name and Select Page then Select the Pages. 

Connect a Shopify Navigation menu to a page of collections

Now Select the page of collections where you wish to connect the menu and Apply the changes.

Connect page of Shopify collections to Navigation menu

Finally, You can go to online store and choose Customize theme, navigate to your page and start customizing the collections that appear. Click on the Collection list page section.

Brooklyn Theme Shopify Custom Page of Collections

You will have the Choice to Show all or just selected collections. Choose selected and start customizing your page.

Customize Your Shopify Collections on Page Brooklyn-Theme

Let me know how it worked for you!

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Hey, I found code to fix my problem. Very sorry to blow up your comments… feel free to delete these.


Actually, it reverted back, so my original question is still relevant. Thx.


Ignore my comment, the system somehow recognized my URL redirect. Thanks!


Hi, this worked perfect. I have one problem. On my homepage, I have a collection grid, and when I click the main category, it goes to a page that says “sorry, there are no products in this collection”. How can I fix this to go to the new page? I tried deleting the collection and creating a URL redirect, but then the collection disappears from the collection grid on the homepage. Many thanks.


I am just wondering is there a way that the images stay as squares and oblong rectangles like the Collection page is like?

This worked amazing aside from that.

Adam Therrien

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